
Showing posts from November, 2019

Reasons to hire a dispute lawyer

Strata generally refer to the living spaces stacked on top  of each other like singles, couples and multiple families living in the same block of units. As a compressed form of living, such living styles bring its own set of challenges for the property owners.  Although strata management has been around us for more over five decades, Australian society and lawmakers are still adapting to strata living.  Strata living are volatile as it involves complex rules.                                         Strata plan developments can be: ●  Residential (apartments); ●  Retail (shopping centres); ●  Mixed-use (shops with apartments in upper levels); ●  Retirement villages; or ●  Resorts. Following are the areas where your owners’ corporation, or committee, can seek strata by-law guidance proactively. ●  Drafting simple a...