
Showing posts from December, 2019

All You Need to Know About By- Laws in Strata Scheme

If you are living in Australia, you might have come across the strata title which is basically a model of property ownership that allows for individual ownership of certain parts of the property. While there is a by-law present in every strata scheme. These  strata by-laws in Sydney  defines the rules for harmonious living, whether that relates to the behaviour of residents and guests or issues regarding pets, smoking, parking, and use of the common property.  How are these laws formed? Within each strata scheme, by-laws are self-defined. These strata schemes are formed by the Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2016 that sets out a number which is called model by-laws, providing a framework for modern strata rules. It can be voted in, adapted or alternatively, choose not to be voted in at all by an owners corporation. For these rules to apply, a special resolution has to be passed where approval by 75% or more of those eligible to vote. Moreover, these b...