Creating Effective Strata By-Laws: Dos and Don'ts for Strata Committees
Strata living offers many advantages, such as shared amenities, maintenance convenience, and a sense of community. However, to maintain harmony and order within the strata-titled property, it is essential to establish well-crafted strata by-laws. The responsibility for creating these by-laws lies with the strata committee, a group of elected representatives entrusted with the welfare of the entire community. In this article, we will explore the dos and don'ts for strata committees when crafting effective strata by-laws. We will also highlight the importance of seeking legal advice, such as that provided by Pobi Lawyers, to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and to avoid potential pitfalls. Do: Identify Community Needs and Concerns Effective strata by-laws should be tailored to address the specific needs and concerns of the community. The strata committee should conduct thorough consultations with residents to understand their preferences and pain points. This will help id...